The Lifetime Allowance (LTA) ended on 5th April 2024 and was replaced by new allowances. Although not everyone is affected by the change, this article explains the developments and what they might mean for you.
The LTA was the maximum amount you could build up in all of your registered pension savings before you paid additional tax.
But from 6 April 2024, the government is replacing it with 3 new allowances.
It’s a big change and means that Railpen, the administrator of the Uniper Group of the Electricity Supply Pension Scheme (ESPS) (the Scheme), may take a little longer to reply to queries as it implements the changes.. We really appreciate your patience and understanding with this.
There are 3 new allowances, and they limit the total amount of tax-free lump sums people can get from pension savings. They’re called:
The LSA is a cap on the amount of tax-free lump sum you can receive from all your registered pension arrangements. Lump sums paid under this allowance are called Pension Commencement Lump Sums (PCLS).
The most you can take as a tax-free lump sum from all your registered pension arrangements is £268,275, unless you hold a valid LTA protection, in which case it will be 25% of the value of the protected amount. If the only pension arrangement you are a member of is the Uniper ESPS, you only need to consider whether the total tax-free lump sum you want to take from all of your scheme pension benefits is more than the limit. Any lump sum that is paid in excess of the available LSA is liable for tax at your marginal rate of income tax. This excess amount is called a Pension Commencement Excess Lump Sum (PCELS). Alternatively, the excess can be converted to additional annual pension.
If you have previously taken pension benefits from either the Uniper ESPS or another scheme, it will be taken into account and will reduce the available LSA for future retirements.
The standard LSDBA is £1,073,100. But if a valid LTA protection is held, it will be the value of the protected amount.
This only applies to transfers out to a Qualifying Recognised Overseas Transfer Scheme. The OTA limit will be £1,073,100, unless a valid LTA protection is held. If the transfer value exceeds the OTA, there will be an overseas transfer charge (OTC) of 25%.
Not everyone will be affected by this change. If you retired, or took benefits from another registered pension arrangement, before 6 April 2024 the LTA still applies for those benefits. There may be delays to some queries as Railpen makes these new changes.
Only the tax-free elements of lump sums paid under the new regime use up these two allowances - pensions are not tested. This is a key difference from the LTA, where crystallised pension benefits also used up the allowance. The availability of the allowances is tested each time a “relevant benefit crystallisation event” (RBCE) occurs: that is, when a relevant lump sum entitlement arises.
A wider range of death lump sums are tested against the LSDBA than under the LTA, including (for example) pension protection lump sum death benefits paid on deaths before age 75, with only charity and trivial commutation lump sum death benefits falling completely outside it.
There are no age 75 related tests in the new regime – another significant change.
If you are retiring, Railpen will send you more information with your retirement options. It’s important that you read this carefully and complete all forms that have been sent to you.
If you are requesting pension benefits after 5 April 2024 and have already taken pension benefits, you may want to consider applying for a transitional tax-free amount certificate. This could be used to prove that you did not take the maximum amount of tax-free lump sum when you took your benefits before 6 April 2024. You might want this if you are close to the LSA and have previously taken a lump sum of less than 25% of the LTA.
It’s important to note that you would need to apply and receive the certificate before you take your first lump sum amount, from any arrangement, on or after 6 April 2024.