Active ESPS members

Active ESPS members

If you’re still paying into the Scheme, you’re what’s known as an ‘active’ member

You and your employer pay into your pension and the money you both pay gets tax relief.

You’ve already taken a great step towards preparing for your retirement by joining the Scheme. However, it’s important that you understand how it works to make sure you’re getting the most from your membership. 

Are you saving enough? 

To make sure you have what you need for ‘life after work’, you should think about your pension plans as early as possible – and review them regularly to check they’re still on track. 

Your membership may include some of the following benefits (check your Scheme booklet for details of which benefits apply to your category):  

Make sure to read your guide

You can learn more about the benefits of being in the Uniper Group of the Electricity Supply Pension Scheme (ESPS) in the Scheme booklet for your benefit category, which is available in the ESPS library.

Contact your pension administrator for support

If you have any questions about your ESPS pension, please contact the administrator, Railpen. You can find out how to get in touch on the Contact details page. 

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