The Trustee of the Scheme is a corporate body made up of directors who have a wide range of duties and responsibilities, including organising administration and investing the Scheme’s assets, which are completely separate from the finances of the Company.
Anything affecting the Scheme as a whole is considered by the Trustee Board, including:
The Trustee Board meets at least four times a year, or more often if required, and delegates certain responsibilities to sub-committees.
Members with queries should address these to Hana Bailey, Muse Advisory, Secretary to the Trustees, who will liaise with the Trustees as necessary. Email
Here’s a brief introduction to the members of the Trustee Board.
As Head of Business Controlling UK, Matt manages the team responsible for the financial reporting, planning and business partnering of Asset Operations in the UK. They also assist enabling functions with financial matters and actively support all valuation and investment decision processes in the UK. Matt is also a Director of Uniper UK Ltd and four of its subsidiaries.
Gary is an Integrity Engineer with Uniper Technologies Ltd. Since obtaining a PhD in Marine Technology in 1994, he’s spent his career in the oil, gas and power generation industries. After 4 years of working for a small corrosion consultancy in Sheffield, during which he became a Chartered Engineer, Gary spent 8 years with Advantica (formerly British Gas Research & Technology) in Loughborough, before joining E.ON Power Technology (now Uniper Technologies) in 2006.
Jas has a degree in Chemical Engineering but ventured into tax working for HMRC in the mid 1980s. Jas joined PowerGen and had various roles in tax within PowerGen and E.ON. Jas headed up the Uniper UK tax team but is now a Pensioner.
Cath is a Technical Consultant with Uniper Technologies Ltd, having joined Powergen in 2001. Before joining the electricity industry, she held positions at Rolls-Royce Industrial & Marine Gas Turbines Ltd and British Gas plc. Cath is a Fellow of the Institute of Physics.
As Senior Vice President Treasury at Uniper SE in Düsseldorf, Martin is responsible for managing the team responsible for liquidity, financial risk management, short-term and intragroup financing as well as trade finance and working capital activities at Uniper. Before being responsible for the Treasury function, Martin was Senior Vice President Pension Asset & Liability Management, overseeing Uniper’s pension assets. He spent more than 10 years in banking before joining Uniper in 2016. Martin is also a Board Member of Uniper Pension Trust e.V. in Germany.